Wiki:General disclaimer
Postal Wiki does not guarantee the accuracy of its content!
Postal Wiki is an open-access online encyclopaedia created and maintained by a group of postal enthusiasts. As anyone can edit it, the content found here has not necessarily been reviewed by experts or practitioners in the field, so Postal Wiki cannot guarantee that it will provide you with complete, correct, and reliable information.
This is not to say that you will not find valuable and correct information on Postal Wiki, but Postal Wiki cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. The content of any given entry may have been recently modified, corrupted, or changed by someone whose state of knowledge of the relevant field is not consistent. Please note that most other encyclopaedias and reference works also have disclaimers (source Wikipedia).
Postal Wiki has no formal peer review, no contract, and a limited licence at the same time, and neither the authors, nor the participants, nor the sponsors, nor the administrators, nor anyone else associated with Postal Wiki will be held liable if any of the information contained in any of the Postal Wikipedias, or in any of the external sites to which the Postal Wikipedias are linked, is in any way inaccurate or defamatory.
Effective as of 12.09.2023 and applicable to the entirety of this site.